I've also enjoyed working on the garden spaces as well. While most homeowners added small pools or spas to their larger garden areas, I added a nice conversation area with an outdoor firepit. Firepit, you ask? What was I thinking? What you might not realize is that the nights do cool down during the late fall through early spring, so a cozy fireplace lighting up the night sky with the stars glittering above after spending all day playing on the beach and the sea is just a natural way of enjoying all day outdoors. There are two towering palm trees, tall grasses, banana and citrus trees as well as vines and flowers that attract the ever present hummingbirds flitting from flower to flower. I hope that each visitor will enjoy each separate experience that I have tried to create for them.
The development is emerging into a vibrant mexican seaside village. The pathways are being completed with the flagstone and the center courtyards are being landscaped as well. There are still a few homes in the latter stages of completion but I think for the most part, homeowners in Founders Village are excited to be nearing the completion phase.
We enjoy spending our time in Loreto and getting to know more homeowners as well as Loreto business owners. The town is changing each month and more and more businesses and services are becoming available. I hope the growth doesn't escalate too quickly as it really is the quaint charm of the town as it is now that attracts so many and makes them feel immediately "at home".
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